Reading Room on Our Shores


Hello dear readers,

We hope you are well. We're thrilled to announce that, at long last, our new book Reading Room has arrived on our shores.

Starting today, Reading Room will be available for purchase through We'll be fulfilling orders for the balance of the summer, and we'll host some readings and celebrations of the book come the fall, at which point we will be in touch.

We are very excited to put the book in your hands. Please write us with any questions, and thank you, as ever, for reading.

Our best,

David & Sal

In solidarity with Black Lives Matter and the movement to transform our society, we are committing 33% of Reading Room's proceeds for the print run of 300 to groups that lift up Black voices: Black Lives Matter, The Black School, and The Laundromat Project (for more info on each, see the links below). We'll be making this donation of $3000 up-front, splitting it evenly between these organizations.

Black Lives Matter

The Black School

The Laundromat Project


Best Art Books 2020


Radio Innommable